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Product information "Stamp set - Designline - Süße Pärchen"

The "Designline - Süße Pärchen" photopolymer stamp set consists of
8 stamps on a large A6 sheet.

A cute otter couple in little dresses
and with shirt and scarf are so cute.
A cute superhero couple
with cape and magic wand
to enchant the world and make it more colorful.

Give the four sweeties but with our watercolor pencils
or Polychromos a little color.

You will find the following stamps in this stamp set:

Otter with shirt & neckerchief: approx. 4.5 x 5.3 cm
Otter in dress: ca. 4,9 x 5,3 cm
Superhero with heart stick: ca. 4,2 x 5,3 cm
superhero with star stick: ca. 4,2 x 5,3 cm
small bow: ca. 0,8 x 0,5 cm
big bow: ca. 1,2 x 0,8 cm
sparkle stars left: ca. 0,9 x 1,0 cm
sparkle stars right: ca. 0,8 x 0,9 cm

To use the stamps you need acrylic blocks, which are not included in this offer.

The illustrations for this set has Anja Kaschte of Emmapünktchen drawn for us. You can also see her enchanting work on her blog

We've gathered lots of ideas for this stamp set on our Pinterest board and in our creative collection. Take a look and get inspired.

In addition to the stamp set - Designline - Süße Pärchen, we have other sets designed by artists. You can find them under the heading "Designline".

Published on: 08. April 2022

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