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Product information "Stamp set - Designline - Süße Kirchenfeste"

The "Designlinie - Süße Kirchenfeste" photopolymer stamp set consists of 8 stamps on a large A6 sheet.
Beautiful sweet motifs to color for church occasions.

You will find the following stamps on this stamp set:

Mouse with short pants: approx. 3,2cn x 7,5cm
Mouse with dress: ca. 3,0cm x 6,5cm
bear with heart: ca. 5,7cm x 6,0cm
small heart: ca. 0,2cm x 0,2cm
big heart: ca. 0,4cm x 0,4cm

zur Kommunion
zur Taufe
zur Konfirmation

To use the stamps you need acrylic blocks, which are not included in this offer.

The illustrations for this set has Anja Kaschte of Emmapünktchen drawn for us. You can also see her enchanting work on her blog

We've gathered lots of ideas for this stamp set on our Pinterest board and in our creative collection. Take a look and get inspired.

In addition to the stamp set - Designlinie - Süße Kirchenfeste, we have other sets designed by artists. You can find them under the heading "design line".

Published on: August 13, 2021

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Acrylic block - round - 7 cm
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Acrylic block - rectangular - 16,0 x 6,0 cm
Acrylic block - rectangular - 16.0 x 6.0 cmThe rectangular acrylic block has a size of 16.0 x 6.0 cm and a thickness of 2.0 cm.The block has circumferential finger grooves (recessed grips) for easy handling.The printed grid makes it easy to place the stamps straight, to place the stamps straight.Our stamps adhere easily to this block and are just as easy toand can be removed and stored just as easily.Published on: 24 March 2023


Our recommendation for you

Nylon yarn - Silver
Nylon yarn with a diameter of 0.5 mm. On the bobbin are 82 meters of yarn. The color silver here is rather a light gray. It is not glittery. Made in USA. Please remember, color variations from the original shade are possible as the display may vary depending on your screen settings.

Content: 82 Meter (€0.05* / 1 Meter)

Nylon yarn - Dark black gray
Nylon yarn with a diameter of 0.5 mm. On the bobbin is 82 meters of yarn. In a very dark black gray. Made in USA Please remember, color deviations from the original tone are possible, as the display may vary depending on your screen settings.

Content: 82 Meter (€0.05* / 1 Meter)

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Content: 0.09 m² (€15.56* / 1 m²)

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€17.00* €21.95* (22.55% saved)