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Product information "Stempelset - Designline - Hintergrund - schlichte Blüten - Nur noch so lange der Vorrat reicht"

Das “Designline - Hintergrund - schlichte Blüten" Photopolymer Stempelset
besteht aus 1 Stempel auf einem großen A6 Sheet.

Ein wunderschöner süsser Hintergrundstempel, der
zu vielen Anlässen passt.
Ganz dezent im Hintergrund gestempelt verleiht er
euren Werken einen sommerlich Look. 

Der Stempel hat eine Größe von ca. 9 x 13,6 cm.

Die Illustrationen für dieses Set hat Carola von Carolas Bastelstübchen für uns gezeichnet.

Damit die Stempel verwendet werden können benötigt Ihr Acrylblöcke, die nicht mit in diesem Angebot beinhaltet sind.

Viele Ideen zu diesem Stempelset haben wir auf unserer Pinterest-Pinnwand und in unserer Kreativ-Sammlung zusammengetragen. Schaut doch mal vorbei und lasst Euch inspirieren.

Neben dem Stempelset - Designline - Hintergrund - schlichte Blüten haben wir noch weitere, von Künstlern entworfene, Sets. Ihr findet diese unter der Rubrik "Designline".

Veröffentlicht am: 19. August 2022

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Our recommendation for you

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Stempelset - Designline - Monster Hermann - Nur noch so lange der Vorrat reicht
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Design paper - Mistelkranz
The sheet of design paper "Mistelkranz" is 30.5 x 30.5 cm with a paper thickness of 200g / m² and has a matte finish. Shown is the complete motif, which is on the 30.5 x 30.5 cm sheet, the back is unprinted. If you already liked our design paper "Hydrangea Wreath", you will get a Christmas version with this design paper. There is a beautiful mistletoe wreath on it, which makes your Christmas motifs really shine. Soon you will find in the examples first ideas from our design team. We have collected many more ideas for this motif paper on our Pinterest pinboard and in our creative collection . Take a look and let yourself be inspired. We use our high quality design paper to create greeting cards, for scrapbooking and it is used in box making. We recommend the good quality because the paper has beautiful folded corners and edges after the folding process. We wish you much joy with this beautiful paper. Attention: Due to the size, the paper can only be sent as a package. The paper is excluded from exchange! Please remember, color deviations from the original tone are possible, as the display may vary depending on screen settings. Published on: 18. October 2019

Content: 0.09 m² (€15.56* / 1 m²)

Design paper - Aquarell Sommergarten
The sheet of design paper " Aquarell Sommergarten" is 30.5 x 30.5 cm with a paper thickness of 200g / m² and has a matte finish. Shown is the complete motif, which is on the 30.5 x 30.5 cm sheet, the back is unprinted. A beautiful paper with a floral motif. Perfect for birthday cards or general projects for flower fans.  Soon you will also find inspiration from our lovely design team. We use our high quality design paper for greeting card design, scrapbooking and it is used in box making. We recommend the good quality because the paper has beautiful folded corners and edges after the folding process. We wish you much joy with this beautiful paper. Attention: Due to the size of the paper can only be sent as a package. The paper is excluded from exchange! Inspirations can be found on Pinterest and in the creative collection. Take a look and let yourself be inspired. Please remember, color deviations from the original tone are possible, as the display may vary depending on your screen settings. Published on: 24. June 2020

Content: 0.09 m² (€15.56* / 1 m²)
