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Product information "Stamp set - Designline - Planner - Achtsamkeit"

The "Designline - Planner - Achtsamkeit" photopolymer stamp set
consists of 20 stamps on a large A6 sheet.

Do you also love to create a planner?

With this great set you can write down your positive thoughts
and plans note and hold.
Just think of yourself and hide other thoughts!

In this stamp set you will find the following stamps:

ich bin genug
Zeit für mich
das gönn ich mir


LACHFLASCH (Labelstyle)
YES! (Labelstyle)

Two stars

The illustrations for this set were drawn for us by Carola from Carolas Bastelstübchen.

To use the stamps you need acrylic blocks, which are not included in this offer.

We have collected many ideas for this stamp set on our Pinterest board and in our creative collection. Take a look and get inspired.

In addition to the stamp set - Designline - Planner - Achtsamkeit, we have other sets designed by artists. You can find them under the heading "Designline".

Published on: February 11, 2022

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Stamp set - Designline - Planner II
The "Designline - Planner II" photopolymer stamp set consists of 40 stamps on a large A6 sheet. With this stamp set, you can effectively plan your week and keep track of everything to coordinate the daily chaos. In this stamp set, you will find the following stamps: Flag with star (approx. 1.0 x 1.3 cm) Flag with stripes (approx. 1.0 x 1.3 cm) Paperclip (approx. 0.4 x 1.1 cm) Paperclip with flag (approx. 0.9 x 1.1 cm) Box with hook (approx. 0.7 x 0.55 cm) Box with cross (approx. 0.6 x 0.6 cm) Box (approx. 0.4 x 0.4 cm) Needle (approx. 0.4 x 0.8 cm) Thumbtack (approx. 0.4 x 1.0 cm) Flag (approx. 1.0 x 1.3 cm) Washi tape (approx. 3.0 x 0.9 cm) Washi tape with dots (approx. 1.5 x 0.6 cm) Washi tape with heart (approx. 0.8 x 0.6 cm) Washi tape with stripes (approx. 2.7 x 0.6 cm) Morning in label style (approx. 2.6 x 0.9 cm) Important in label style (approx. 3.0 x 0.9 cm) Must-have in label style (approx. 3.8 x 0.9 cm) This week in label style (approx. 4.7 x 0.9 cm) Square for notes (approx. 3.1 x 3.1 cm) Row with punched pattern (approx. 3.0 x 0.4 cm) Row with crosses (approx. 2.3 x 0.4 cm) Doctor's appointment (approx. 2.0 x 0.5 cm)  To do (ca. 0,9 x 0,5 cm) Putzen (ca. 1,1 x 0,5 cm) Sport (ca. 0,9 x 0,5 cm) Termin (ca. 1,3 x 0,5 cm) Telefonieren (ca. 2,2 x 0,5 cm) Date (ca. 0,7 x 0,5 cm) Einkaufen (ca. 1,8 x 0,5 cm) Besuch (ca. 1,0 x 0,5 cm) Garten (ca. 1,2 x 0,5 cm) Kids-Taxi (ca. 1,7 x 0,5 cm) Büro (ca. 0,8 x 0,5 cm) Kino (ca. 0,9 x 0,5 cm) Arbeiten (ca. 1,5 x 0,5 cm) Friseur (ca. 1,2 x 0,5 cm) Mädelsabend (ca. 2,2 x 0,6 cm) Zeit für Mich (ca. 2,3 x 0,6 cm) Essensplanung (ca. 2,5 x 0,5 cm) Nicht vergessen (ca. 2,7 x 0,5 cm) The illustrations for this set were drawn by Carola from Carolas Bastelstübchen. To use the stamps, you will need acrylic blocks, which are not included in this offer. We have gathered many ideas for this stamp set on our Pinterest board and in our creative collection. Take a look and get inspired. In addition to the stamp set - Designline - Planner II, we also have other sets designed by artists. You can find them under the "Designline" category. Published on: April 29, 2022    

Stamp set - Designline - Freundschaftsbuch I
The "Designline - Freundschaftsbuch I" photopolymer stamp set consists of 14 stamps on a large A5 sheet.A cool stamp set for a friendship book for thebig girls.But it can also be used to create mega great layouts forTeenies design. Funny photos andshort concise words in label style.In this stamp set you will find the following stamps:unsere Freundschaft (dünne Schrift)unsere FreundschaftfriendshipGirls, Girls, & meTOGETHER (Labelstyle)HAPPY (Labelstyle)SO COOL (Labelstyle)WIR ZWEI... (Labelstyle)Two dotted lines: ca. 6,2 X 0,8 CMEight dotted lines : ca. 6,2 X 4,8 CM♥♥♥♥♥ : ca. 2,4 x 0,4 cmHeart: approx. 0,8 X 1,1 cmOne large stamp (approx. 7.5 x 15.5 cm)dies oder das?SCHWARZ ○ ○ WEIßSÜß ○ ○ SALZIGCHIPS ○ ○ SCHOKOLADEBIER ○ ○ WEINPIZZA ○ ○ PASTATEE ○ ○ KAFFEEKUCHEN ○ ○ KEKSEWARM ○ ○ KALTNORDEN ○ ○ SÜDENSERIE ○ ○ FILMHORROFILM ○ ○ LIEBESFILMBUCH ○ ○ HÖRSPIELAUTO ○ ○ BUS&BAHNKOCHEN ○ ○ BESTELLENJOGGEN ○ ○ WALKENEULE ○ ○ LERCHEPARTY ○ ○ ESSEN ZU ZWEITCarola from Carolas Bastelstübchen drew the illustrations for this set for us.To use the stamps you need acrylic blocks, which are not included in this offer.We have collected many ideas for this stamp set on our Pinterest board and in our creative collection. Take a look and get inspired.In addition to the stamp set - Designline - Freundschaftsbuch I, we have other sets designed by artists. You can find them under the heading "Designline".Published on: February 11, 2022

Stamp set - Designline - Planner - Schüler
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Acrylic block - rectangular - 16,0 x 6,0 cm
Acrylic block - rectangular - 16.0 x 6.0 cmThe rectangular acrylic block has a size of 16.0 x 6.0 cm and a thickness of 2.0 cm.The block has circumferential finger grooves (recessed grips) for easy handling.The printed grid makes it easy to place the stamps straight, to place the stamps straight.Our stamps adhere easily to this block and are just as easy toand can be removed and stored just as easily.Published on: 24 March 2023


Our recommendation for you

Nylon yarn - Bright pink
Nylon yarn with a diameter of 0.5 mm. On the bobbin is 82 meters of yarn. In bright pink. Made in USA Please remember, color deviations from the original tone are possible, as the display may vary depending on your screen settings.

Content: 82 Meter (€0.05* / 1 Meter)

Nylon yarn - pumpkin orange
Nylon yarn with a diameter of 0.5 mm. On the bobbin is 82 meters of yarn. In pumpkin orange. Made in USA Please remember, color deviations from the original tone are possible, as the display may vary depending on your screen settings.

Content: 82 Meter (€0.05* / 1 Meter)

Nylon yarn - Neon Orange
Nylon yarn with a diameter of 0.5 mm. On the bobbin is 82 meters of yarn. In neon orange. Made in USA Please remember, color deviations from the original tone are possible, as the display may vary depending on your screen settings.

Content: 82 Meter (€0.05* / 1 Meter)

Stempelset - Weihnachten mit A II
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Stempelset - Frühlingsfreunde - Nur noch so lange der Vorrat reicht
Das “Frühlingsfreunde" Photopolymer Stempelset besteht aus 11 Stempeln auf einem großen A7 Sheet. Der kleine knuffige Bär genießt den Frühling mit den kleinen Vögelchen unter ein paar Wölkchen am Himmel. Mit dem kleinen Zweig kann man wunderbar einen Kranz stempeln. In dem Set findet ihr folgende Stempel: Bär mit vier Vögeln: ca. 6,5cm x 6,6cm 7 Stempel mit Herzen: von ca. 0,2cm x 0,2cm bis ca. 0,9cm x 1,0cm Wolke 1: ca. 2,0cm x 1,4cm Wolke 2: ca. 1,8cm x 1,7cm kleiner Zweig: ca. 2,3cm x 1,0cm Damit die Stempel verwendet werden können benötigt Ihr Acrylblöcke, die nicht mit in diesem Angebot beinhaltet sind. Viele Ideen zu diesem Stempelset haben wir auf unserer Pinterest-Pinnwand und in unserer Kreativ-Sammlung zusammengetragen. Schaut doch mal vorbei und lasst Euch inspirieren. Veröffentlicht am: 30. April 2021

Wortstanze Glückssterne
Ein paar Glückssterne im Leben und es läuft gleich viel besser. Und weil es so schön ist, haben wir das Wort "Glückssterne" entworfen. Die Stanze hat folgende Größe: 84 mm x 34 mm Auf Pinterest und in unserer Kreativsammlung haben wir viele tolle Ideen zu dieser Stanze gesammelt. Schaut doch mal vorbei und lasst Euch inspirieren. Die Stanze funktioniert mit den gängigen Stanz- und Prägemaschinen (DieCut Systemen). Verwenden könnt Ihr sie für Karton, Filz, Stoff, Schrumpffolie. Material: 100% Stahl Made in USA Veröffentlicht am: 10. September 2021

€9.50* €10.95* (13.24% saved)