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Product information "Stamp set - Schlichte Weihnachten mit Herz"

The "Schlichte Weihnachten mit Herz" Photopolymer stamp set consists of 12 stamps on a large A5 sheet.

Beautiful phrases with ♥ for the Christmas season. These phrases are perfect for cards with lovely Christmas greetings or for tags on your small Christmas gifts.

The stamps in this set have the following sizes:

ZUM Wunsch ERFÜLLEN ♥ (approx. 4.9 x 3.3 cm)

MIT Liebe GEMACHT ♥ (approx. 3.3 x 3.4 cm)

HIER STECKT VIEL Liebe DRIN ♥ (approx. 3.3 x 4.1 cm)

FROHES Fest ♥ (approx. 2.9 x 2.8 cm)

FEST DER Liebe ♥ (approx. 3.3 x 2.6 cm)

VON Herzen ♥ (approx. 4.5 x 2.5 cm)

MIT DER Magie VON WEIHNACHTEN ♥ (approx. 4.3 x 4.5 cm)

VON HERZEN FROHE Weihnachten UND VIEL FREUDE ♥ (approx. 8.3 x 4.2 cm)

FÜR dich ♥ (approx. 2.8 x 2.8 cm)

MIT GAAANZ VIEL Herz VON HAND GEMACHT ♥ (approx. 3.0 x 4.8 cm)

AUF DIE Plätzchen FERTIG LOS ♥ (approx. 6.5 x 4.3 cm)

FRÖHLICHE Festtage ♥ (approx. 5.6 x 2.9 cm)

To use the stamps, you will need acrylic blocks, which are not included in this offer.

We have gathered many ideas for this stamp set on our Pinterest board and in our creative collection. Stop by and get inspired.

Published on: October 7, 2022

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€1.33* €1.60* (16.88% saved)
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Content: 0.09 m² (€14.78* / 1 m²)

€1.33* €1.60* (16.88% saved)
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€11.58* €13.95* (16.99% saved)